Part 2: How to Make a Stroopwafel

Hey everyone!

Katherine here at Hazella Bake Shop. In our last video, my sister-in law, Leanne, taught us the special Dutch way to eat a Stroopwafel:

You crown your coffee cup with the golden cookie and let the steam gently melt the caramel interior of the before you take a luxurious, gooey, bite. AT this point we all know these cookies are delightful to eat, but how are they made, and what gives them that perfect cookie-to-filling ratio?

All of that, and a bit more, in today’s video. 

You see, making Stroopwafels is a lot of work. In the video you’ll be walked through the extremely time-sensitive steps, and you’ll see how easy it is to make a mistake. What is the secret to enjoying the process?

Leanne explains that the secret to enjoying the process goes back to the word “gezellig” that our bake shop’s name is derived from. You’ll remember from a few videos back that “gezellig,” while not directly translatable into the English language, describes an experience of cozy family-like time with often with baked goods, coffee, and things that make you especially happy like friends, or a crackling fireplace. The secret, Leanne explains, is making “Stroopwafel-Production” a gezellig experience.

“We Dutch women like to make Stroopwafels in groups,” Leanne says. Every year, usually around Christmas, the women in her family get together for a long day of Stroopwafel making. The process is challenging and a lot of mistakes are made, but this environment is the perfect catalyst for memory building, bonding, and a fair amount of laughter.

“You get to ‘sample’ the cookies that don’t turn out and compete to make the perfect Stroopwafels.”

It’s like that for us, too, when we make Stroopwafels at Hazella. Sometimes we get everyone involved and make an afternoon of it and we all laugh and grunt and bite our tongues in humor, frustration, and concentration. (You’ll see in the video that the scraps from the Stroopwafels make excellent eyebrows.)

These cookies are special to us because they completely encapsulate the Hazella experience from the time they are made to the time they are eaten. They are gezellig to make, with everyone laughing and puttering about the kitchen together, and gezellig to eat as you pause for a moment to let the steam perfectly melt the carmel inside.

Here is the video!

I hope you enjoy seeing how Stroopwafels are made, and we look forward to seeing you soon.

xx Katherine


Perfect Picnic in 3 Easy Steps


Part 1:What’s a Stroopwafel?